The First Broadcast!

The First Broadcast!

(This post was delayed several hours by some web server issues.)

I just wrapped up the first broadcast a little while ago! Go watch it, if you haven’t already, and come back to let me know what you think!

I will be adding all broadcasts to this playlist, so if you miss one, you should be able to check it out easily enough.

As always, I’m open to your input on both my performance and the story that we’ll be creating, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! Create an account here or on, sign in, and comment on each broadcast’s post to let me know what you think!

So, in summary of today’s broadcast, I typed a story I started a week ago and extended it a bit, discussed technology a bit, interacted with a friend, and setup a plan to broadcast again in two weeks, on March 10th, 2018. See you then!

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