I Need to Interview a Few Women…
A Few Good Women Needed! I have some intimate questions I’m too chicken to ask the women I know.
A Few Good Women Needed! I have some intimate questions I’m too chicken to ask the women I know.
I’ve been writing for many years now, and while I’ve never had much success, let alone earned any income from it, is not these failures they make me sad or upset. It’s not the lack of attention or lack of ability. It’s not the incomplete stories I’ve left behind. The Thing that makes me sad…
Broadcast #18, the last broadcast of 2018, is done and up on YouTube. In it, I wrote a completely new story just for this broadcast, and gave out the magic word that could lead you to win a brand new Barnes & Noble 7″ Tablet if you enter with the correct word by December 31,…
Tomorrow is the very last broadcast of 2018 and it’s the very first one to feature a giveaway. If giveaways become a regular occurred depends on you! While this project is still young, its viewership and participation have been nearly nonexistent and I really want that to change, however I really don’t want to have…
Tomorrow, December 15th is the regularly scheduled day for a broadcast. But, I’m out of town with family, remembering my father’s life and passing. On other occasions, I’d have recorded a broadcast for tomorrow and you might not have known that I wasn’t around otherwise. But, things got complicated over the last week or so…
After a short period of time with no sound again, courtesy of my computer, I got the sound working and completed the broadcast. This episode features continued work on The First Taste, and I actually wrote a passable haiku! In English at any rate… The Goods page has been updated, and the video will be…
Tonight at 8:00 pm Central, my sleepy eyes and I will be doing the 16th broadcast live! I hope you make it to this broadcast and chat with me one way or another, so I can hear your thoughts on what I’ve written so far! See you there!
I had intended to record a broadcast for you fine folks last week after I got back from San Francisco but before Thanksgiving, but things didn’t go the way I planned that weekend, not in the least. Before I knew it, I was on my way to Detroit to spend Thanksgiving with my family and…
Please join me (relatively speaking) and watch the 15th broadcast of Caught in the 3rd Act! Today’s broadcast is a pre-recorded one, sorry about that, but I make some good progress on the real deal story! I have a lot more to work out with it, of course, but it’s I’m making progress which is…
Hi folks and Happy Halloween! Treat: This Saturday will be the 14th [official, full length] episode of Caught in the 3rd Act! Trick: Unfortunately, it will not be a live broadcast. Explanation: While I am back home now, I have discovered that I have family coming in from out-of-town, and will be spending some time…